Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy LOVE Day!

       When a HUGE snowstorm hits us here in North Carolina, we are only slightly better prepared than Georgia (where we shut it down for over a week! and I can say this because it where I’m from and I have lived it!).  Well the snow hit Wednesday afternoon and didn’t stop till some point late into the night, changed into some freezing stuff, and then Thursday afternoon changed back to snow for one last big burst of snow showers!  It was beautiful! Thankfully we were fully stocked on milk, bread, peanut butter, and jelly (only the essentials people!)! 
       Being cooped up in the house isn’t too bad at all! Now add a daddy who has work for his class to prepare (sheriff teacher school), two little shorties that aren’t content with anything in the house, piles upon piles of laundry, and a million things that I’m wanting to do ... makes the days seem a bit like a blur! Although the experiencing of sledding was AWESOME and the shorties LOVED it (along with me)!!
       Now we have officially been out of school since Wednesday and with today being LOVE day I thought I would share something special!  I have been busy working away on the computer, during nap time and the early bedtimes because of all the fun in the snow, to finish off a CVC missing sound game (multiple levels) a new base 10 build and match game, and finishing up a sweet sounds and rainy day sounds game!
       Since lesson plans are done, only part of a flipchart left to do, and the snow slowly melting away, I thought I would go ahead and post the CVC missing sound game onTPT (on sale too!).  I also will have more coming up soon!  Especially some pictures of the centers in action and pictures of the classroom (special requests)! 
       Enjoy the night and share some LOVE {friendship, caring, listening, just being there for someone}! Everyone needs to feel LOVE and it doesn’t matter how just being you, is enough!  Thank you so much for ALL your LOVE and SUPPORT and ALL that I have LEARNED from everyone! 

Hugs, Love, and Wiggles!

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