Tuesday, July 14, 2015

A Little DIY FUN!

  Well hello world! Sooo its been a while, but I was on vaca so it was kinda okay! Haha!

  Since getting back it has been very busy around the Yellow Castel, we had to prep to go to a very special little man’s 1st birthday party, start on some home diy, and a little school savings diy {which is why we are here!}

  So teachers are always looking for ways to save money, well I have a great way to help bring a pop of color to your classroom (or home) and not break the bank by spending 300 dollars!!!!! {ExCiTiNg RiGhT??!!??}

  If you want to put a fun run in a part of your classroom, BUT you don’t want to spend the hundreds of dollars this idea might work out for you!!

  {Let me set the stage} I got a great homework/craft table for my little boo boos, but the hubs can’t stand for the play-doh to get stuck in the wood floors (doesn’t bother me at all).  So I was thinking what I could put down that looked great, wasn’t a plastic shower curtain, and that I wouldn’t have to spend a ton on. 


Isn't it FUN!!

  I happen to have some spare fabric left over from other diy projects {truly just scraps}.  AND I had a large piece of left over yellow felt from some lemon costumes.  

  I pulled out my handy dandy glue gun and got to work!  I laid out all the different fabrics I had and pieced them together.  Once they were laid out how I liked, I glued the edges, and BOOOM!!! Simple, easy, affordable, and adorable!!!

  This is going to work best for an area that needs a little pop of color, a place to define where there is not going to be a TON of foot traffic.  I am making another one for my library area to coordinate with my reading stools. 

{break down - ideas - hints}
  You can get any amount of fabric that you want to work with.  The felt comes off a bolt that is very wide -some can be 96 inches- and you can get fabric for very cheap from various stores.

  I have been thinking these would look so great to use to help define an area within the classroom (under rocker in the front of the room).

  The felt helps to give it a little cushion for the tush! You might even be able to double it up and give your tush a double cushion! Hee hee!

  Love, Hugs, and Wiggles!!!


P.S. If you do try this let me know how it goes and where you are going to be using it!! 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Welcome Back, Welcome Back, Welcome Back!

Well it’s the end of the year! Only 9 more days to go! This means it is craft learning time! We get to teach Kindergarten a little more like we want to teach Kindergarten! YES! yes! YES!

This is one of the most exhausting times of the school year, yet it is the most exciting!  The kids are ready to get out! The teachers are ready to get out! Our families are ready for us to be out! Everyone is just ready to be out! 

With that being said and with summer time here in full force, it is time to make the lovely ‘Oh I’ll do that during the summer, when I have more time’ list.  Mine is full of fun and excitement for me and the little boo boos, family vacations, and of course the ever growing house fixing-uping.  Along with the ever growing and mind possible list I am coming back to the blog!
(Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back)(sung in my best welcome back kotter theme song voice)

Thank you! (yes having a chuckle in my head and having a convo with my head) The hubber’s work has moved to permanent shifts and he was lucky enough to get placed on nights (sarcastic eye roll)! So since the little boo boos (not so little anymore but will always be little to me) go to bed early, and I wont be bogged down with lesson plans, report cards, progress reports, prepping, scoring, and anything else school related for a tiny bit, I plan to *try* to get back started with blogging, BUT for REAL!

Well this is my start as I put off working on report cards and other end of the year paper sorting (and finding missing papers from October)! So here we go on this crazy, bumpy, unexpected, FUN, exciting, ride, journey, experience!